Δευτέρα 11 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Chania 's History In Few Words

Chania is one of the most well-known and important cities on the island of Crete. Its history is one of the richest in Greece and anywhere the visitor may look, he can find traces of the faraway or the more recent past.  The monuments, the architecture, the buildings, the narrow streets in the center of the city of Chania -  everything has its own interesting story to tell. boutique hotels chania This is a place where knights and janissaries lived, where hotzas, dervishes and Levantines ruled and where the people of Crete fought, suffered and rejoiced.  

The history of Chania goes back to the third millennium BC and it is directly connected to the history of Crete itself. The Minoan period is one of the most famous and productive times in the history of Greece, where a great civilization flourished. In the center of the later historical city of Chania, was established one of the major settlements of the minoans, the well known city of Kydonia. This particular place was  located next to the sea. However, despite the proximity to the water, it enjoyed  extensively fertile lands, something that contributed to its growth and wealth. The society was strong and advancing up until the very end of the Minoan era. The settlement, early enough, extended far beyond the original founding on the hill of Kasteli, in the area of Splantzia.  There, archaeologists discovered numerous tombs with vaults and chambers. 

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